2 research outputs found

    Sophisticated collective foraging with minimalist agents: a swarm robotics test

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    How groups of cooperative foragers can achieve efficient and robust collective foraging is of interest both to biologists studying social insects and engineers designing swarm robotics systems. Of particular interest are distance-quality trade-offs and swarm-size-dependent foraging strategies. Here we present a collective foraging system based on virtual pheromones, tested in simulation and in swarms of up to 200 physical robots. Our individual agent controllers are highly simplified, as they are based on binary pheromone sensors. Despite being simple, our individual controllers are able to reproduce classical foraging experiments conducted with more capable real ants that sense pheromone concentration and follow its gradient. One key feature of our controllers is a control parameter which balances the trade-off between distance selectivity and quality selectivity of individual foragers. We construct an optimal foraging theory model that accounts for distance and quality of resources, as well as overcrowding, and predicts a swarmsize-dependent strategy. We test swarms implementing our controllers against our optimality model and find that, for moderate swarm sizes, they can be parameterised to approximate the optimal foraging strategy. This study demonstrates the sufficiency of simple individual agent rules to generate sophisticated collective foraging behaviour

    The Hidden Benefits of Limited Communication and Slow Sensing in Collective Monitoring of Dynamic Environments

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    Most of our experiences, as well as our intuition, are usually built on a linear understanding of systems and processes. Complex systems in general, and more specifically swarm robotics in this context, leverage non-linear effects to self-organize and to ensure that ‘more is different’. In previous work, the non-linear and therefore counter-intuitive effect of ‘less is more’ was shown for a site-selection swarm scenario. Although it seems intuitive that being able to communicate over longer distances should be beneficial, swarms were found to sometimes profit from communication limitations. Here, we build on this work and show the same effect for the collective perception scenario in a dynamic environment. We also find an additional effect that we call ‘slower is faster’: in certain situations, swarms benefit from sampling their environment less frequently. Our findings are supported by an intensive empirical approach and a mean-field model. All our experimental work is based on simulations using the ARGoS simulator extended with a simulator of the smart environment for the Kilobot robot called Kilogrid.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedANTS (Conference :Swarm intelligence) & Dorigo M. (2022). Swarm intelligence :13th international conference ants 2022 málaga spain november 2-4 2022 proceedings. Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-20176-